Corstorphine Baptist Community Trust

Supported Living

CBCT offers a supported living service that works alongside disabled people to live independently in the community by providing support in those areas of their life where help is needed.

This service is available to people over the age of 17 who meet the Ministry of Health’s disability support services eligibility criteria.  In Dunedin you will have been referred to CBCT by Access Ability.

CBCT offers creative, responsive and flexible person centred approach to this support.

A Co-ordinator and/or Support Worker will work alongside the person, and if appropriate their family/whanau, to identify areas for support which will be written into a Plan.  This plan will identify the goals they hope to achieve during their time in the service and will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Some of the things your community Support Worker might do are:

Facility Based Respite

Corstorphine Baptist Community Trust is delivering respite services for eligible child and youth who are funded by Disability Support Services (DSS) or Ministry for Children Oranga Tamariki (MCOT).  This facility has the capacity for four people to stay and is staffed 24 hours a day (including a sleepover).  We also have a vehicle and can take people to their school or usual day time activity if needed.

Sometimes you need a break from each other and CBCT provides an environment for this to happen.

The Cosy Cottage respite service is tailored to meet your individual needs.

Care is provided by staff who understand and can respond to specific age and disability requirements.

Before being accepted into the respite service based at Cosy Cottage you will need to be referred by either DSS (Disability Support Service) or Oranga Tamariki (Ministry Of Children).

The service offers:

The home offers:
